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Please, re-write numbers from the picture

ShawnSnofeI'm a humble chef, however, I will try to formulate my head around the film, because it's so dear to my heart. If a man that has a revolver gets off the train from the prologue of Sergio Leone's film, then he has to have something to say. The silent wanderer looks after a bitter story deep in his heart, his secret weighs heavily on his soul. However, even being sentimental in moments of relative solitude, the traveler is decisive, and in her eyes you can observe the fad that's accumulated over the years. He's not who he seems. The wanderer's name is Douglas Mortimer, occasion military man and today a bounty hunter. If viewers of the film listen towards the words on the flabby old man chained to the bed (a funny grandpa appears closer on the middle of the film), they will learn which the trains, these damned and noisy objects, are to blame for everything. Alas, but earthly hardships are certainly not limited by trains and Douglas Mortimer is knowledgeable of this, his problem involves bones, flesh and blood. The smoothness, played by Lee Van Cleef, cherishes the soul with thoughts of revenge, but besides revenge is in the center with the plot of Sergio Leone's brainchild, because along with the retired colonel, you can find another hero inside the film. Fast, accurate, discreet, another bounty hunter. A minimum of curious, but at the most wildly interesting, specially when the “one-armed” shooter is played by Bruce Lee in the world of Westerns - Clint Eastwood. It is easy to estimate that the paths of Mortimer as well as nameless shooter will cross in the world of your wild west. The spaghetti is in the pot. In A Few Dollars More, phrases for example “in ten mins you will be smoking in hell” or “you want a new sheriff” are inevitable. The hero of Clint Eastwood is shown being a shooter whose abilities would be relevant in a very sci-fi novel, but that is considered are not attributed on the disadvantages of your narrative. The most absurd moments inside the Western genre and below the skillful direction of Sergio Leone become salt for spaghetti, and situation with the partnership between One-Handed and Colonel Mortimer tenaciously keeps viewers on the screens, which are likely visited by such thoughts: ¬¬ “I ponder what could happen further? Will One-Armed and Colonel Mortimer find mutual understanding? ” “A few bucks more” - shootings, chases, music of contributions, personifying the coming of death, here satire, along with foolishness, lives alongside with drama and ironically interpreted religious motives. And, finally, the storyline shown by Sergio Leone is the archetype of countless paintings, where partnerships flow into friendship, though into a variety of friendship, during this friendship somebody can shoot a buddy inside the neck to ensure that he isn't killed through the thugs of a final boss. The fire is burning within the pan. The spaghetti begins to boil. Sergio Leone's tape is actually a classic in the genre, and that is straightforward by the noise of bullets fired from the heroes, bank robberies and also the long glances that two shooters exchange prior to the decisive shot, that shot that decides human destiny. The creators not simply highlight their creation (and they are doing it well), but will also touch on burning topics in a few episodes of the film, not being afraid to scoff at corrupt politicians and cunning businessmen, using original script moves. Moreover, it's over interesting to view a lot of Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef - the heroes of the actual and new generation of westerns who, with regards to the photographs of Manco (One-armed) and Colonel Mortimer, now and continue to prove something to each other, competing inside having a revolver and doing of sieve hats. Hmm, something's heating up with the food prep, phew, you should serve spaghetti around the table. Winnie, the wedding guests are waiting, hurry up, they may be hungry and have come to taste Leone's signature spaghetti. It's tricky for the expressive chef to find the best helper these days. Spaghetti is served, but wait a second, dear guests. Undoubtedly, Sergio Leone as part of his “A Few Dollars More” demonstrates to the world of cinema the lion's share of his talent and professionalism, and the photo itself may very well be hypertrophied dominating before the first film with the trilogy, which attracted the interest in the expressive Akira Kurosawa. A long time later, Leone's brainchild tries to please a number of people, as well as film succeeds: those viewers who desires a dramatic story get it, people that love shooting and duels are satisfied, and connoisseurs of satirical humor will likely be satisfied after watching. When it comes to music, you may speak briefly - Ennio Morricone. Dear listeners, perhaps My business is too excited, which are my thoughts a little confused, but in the event you watch an excellent film of my fellow countryman one or more times, you will end up convinced in the correctness of my words. However, I will not hide my bias, I really love the stories in regards to the shooters on the wild west, where there are two totally different bounty hunters chasing the identical victim, but is not exactly the same motives. Oh, I almost forgot, season with spaghetti sauce and garnish with basil. Looks pretty good. Enjoy your meal! https://www.123moviessdsasas.com

EdelbrockhfcAt the same time, many antique

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